Getting ready for the Bicentenario Independencia, which is the 200-year anniversary of independence from Spain and the 100-year anniversary of the Mexican Revolution, has been no easy task for the gringa owners of LavenDar Farms.
Flags are waving as bicentennial fever grips Mexico and of course at the farm, good thing we got most of the work done last month!
•Betty, the Labrador look-a-like gave birth to 8 puppies, and her husband, Daddy Dog, has joined the continuing growing family of livestock at LavenDar farms, not to mention 5 new brown laying hens who reside in a newly built house fondly known as the "Posada de Pollos."
•The paint pony has been broken and a new striped pregnant goat arrived! We have fondly named the striped goat Gazelda and Antonio has promised not to eat her!
•In other exciting news Sheila Sheehan and Nanci Yuronis, two other lavender growers, have just embarked on a round the world venture to celebrate Nanci's 70th birthday Sept. 22.
•The Mineral de Pozos House and Garden Tour August 14 was a smash-hit bringing a busload of eager visitors to the Farm.
•Another LavenDar Farms grower, Peggy Busby, celebrated her 70th at the Ranch surrounded by longtime friends.
•Cynthia planted the new organic vegetable gardens August 28, Yummm!
So, for those of you may who think things are boring in Pozos, come out for a visit to the LavenDar Farms! Oh, we added 2,500 more plants and 20 more olive trees, made a meditation garden, hiking trails, will have the community room finished by October and the LavenDar Tienda is open!
COME SEE US! Smell and photograph the lavender. We are now open for ranch stays as well.
Hey, Dar--this is all pretty exciting. We want to come down and check it out!
let me know when it is good for you, lets make a plan, dar