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Friday, April 23, 2010

Ranch Days/Eco stays

Every day is a new day at Lavendar farms, the plants are getting larger by the minute it seems and nearby bees are gathering for the nectar to make more and more lavender honey. Yummmmmm. I never thought I would see the day I was yearning to have it on my morning pancakes but that day has come and now I welcome the bees!
We are in full production of new products with the ladies of Pozos Manos Creativas (to be announced soon, or as soon as the kinks are worked out with my bad spanish). Cynthia has created our prototypes for the product line of lavender sleepmasks and pillows on her grandmother's sewing machine.
Oh, we have two new guests this week, and that is really fun! Come see us! Weather is great and so are the Martinis!!!!!!!!!
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  1. Dar,

    I'm so happy I found your blog. I live in SMA and don't go to Pozos much buut next time I do I will make sure to find you. The place looks beautiful.

    Do you have bee hives? If not, you should. CEDESA in Dolores Hidalgo can set you up with everything you need. They might even manage the hives for you.

    Looking forward to more postts & pics.

    Rick Wendling

  2. Dear Rick,

    Thanks so much for your wonderful suggestions, can't wait for you to come out and see the operation. Let's get together soon!--Dar

  3. I really enjoyed visiting and seeing your ranch and all the gorgeous variations of plants..I have a few photos if you would like me to send them to you..
    Thank you
